Am I satisfied with my prayer life? Have I been active in preparing the next generation? Even the most mature believers must recognize their need for improvement, and one of the best methods for doing that is examining scriptural prayers and using them as a model. We must cultivate our habits and the next generation until it becomes a natural part of our daily life. Prayer is not a list of formalities and rules. Prayer is constant communication with God and is necessary for a genuine and growing relationship with The Father.
Healthy relationships are fueled by ongoing dialog and honest two-way conversations. Without open lines of communication, a relationship withers. Nowhere is this truer than in our relationship with God. He speaks to us through the Scriptures, the very words of God preserved for us over many centuries, and He invites us to speak to Him through prayer. This is a remarkable invitation. The God of heaven and earth invites us to speak directly to Him, and He promises to listen. Several of Paul's prayers are recorded in his epistles, and they supply wonderful insights about different ways to pray.
W. Tozer says this: "We cannot seem to get our minds into good working order, and the first thing we have to fight is wandering thoughts. The great battle in private prayer is overcoming this problem of our idle and wandering thinking. We have to learn to discipline our minds and concentrate on willful, deliberate prayer."
Today, no matter where you are in your prayer journey, this conference will refine your prayer life and expand your knowledge of the power of kingdom-driven prayer. Through these prayer sessions, you will gain practical prayer experience and tools to begin or continue on your prayer journey.
Tony Evans, the author of “Kingdom Prayer” wrote in his book, “Prayer is the most misunderstood and neglected aspect of the Christian life. It has been estimated that most Christians pray three to five minutes a day. Compare that to the time many spend complaining, and you’ll gain insight into the spiritual and emotional condition of our day. Yet God has constructed the world in such a way that there is much He won’t do in a Christian’s life apart from prayer. Prayer, when combined with faith, can accomplish great things.”
This Kingdom Prayer Conference will occur in San Antonio, Texas, from March 31 - April 2, 2023. There will be powerful times of worship and prayer as we boldly approach the throne of grace. There will also be anointed preaching and teaching focused on the church’s need to make prayer their foundation again and prepare the next generation. We pray you will join us for this historic event!
Bishop Henry and Dr. Fannie Thomas
Conference Host